To listen to a portion of Becca's CD, click on the button to the right.
As of December 1, 2012, Becca has returned to part-time ministry following her bone marrow transplant in June of 2012 (for acute myeloid leukemia). She is so thankful for this “second birth” (courtesy of her donor, her Dad!).
Born and bred in central New Jersey, Becca is a graduate of Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary. She was ordained to Ministry of the Word and Sacrament on September 24, 1989 and served as an associate pastor at Park Presbyterian Church in Newark, NY. In January of 1993, she was called as pastor of Patterson Memorial Presbyterian Church. In April of 2010, she became the pastor of the United Presbyterian Church of West Orange.
Along with her passion for ministry, Becca is a musician. She sings in the professional a capella group, The Princeton Singers.
Healing Music Ministry Rev. Becca helped start the Healing Music Program at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, which she led for ten years and where she played harp, keyboard or sang for people at the bedside. The program brings in certified musicians and harpists to play music at the bedside to promote a healing environment. Music has been shown to relax patients, calm anxiety, calm breathing, and decrease pain. Becca has recorded some of the music she wrote for this work on a CD, "A Drop of Peace." To listen to a portion of Becca's CD, click on the arrow to the right.
Rev. Rebecca Migliore |
Ann Marie Cerciello |
Music Director: Ann Marie Cerciello
A native of Florham Park, NJ, Ann Marie is a graduate of St. Elizabeth College. She has spent her years in and out of the classroom teaching mathematics, and being drawn away by her other love: music. Ann Marie has directed and music directed community theater, she owned and operated a theater company, Harmony Theater, for several years, and she has accompanied and music directed at churches since she was 15. She also currently serves as the Music Director of the Orpheus Club of Newark, a men's chorus founded in 1888.
Gerard Barros |
Office Administrator: Gerard Barros
A native of Newark, Gerard is a graduate of Rutgers University. For more than 20 years, he has been an employee of the City of Newark, in the areas of Human Resources and Public Relations. In addition to currently working at the Church, Gerard is a multi-instrumental musician who performs with his vocalist/wife Diane at various restaurants, festivals, libraries, assisted living facilities and private functions.
In a Presbyterian church, the governing authority is vested primarily in laypersons, known as Elders, who serve on Session. The Elders are chosen democratically by the people in the congregation, and are responsible for the life of the church. The Session members are as follows:
2023 Karen Boettinger, (Clerk/2)*
Martha Curry, Treasurer*
Sue Stock
Loreen Daniels
Ellen Donofrio
Barbara Toriello
Ad Hoc Member: Ann Marie Cerciello (staff) (Scribe/2);
UPC Corporation and St. Cloud Corporation
Ozzie Gerald, President of the Corporations
Martha Curry, Treasurer
Karen Boettinger, Secretary
The Board of Deacons serve as a ministry of sympathy, witness and service. Deacons have the responsibility of care of our community and mission outreach. The members of the Board of Deacons are:
Joseph Boettinger
Essexe Burton
Sandy Crouse
Ellen Donofrio
Jean Dorceley
Judy Hahn
Elaine Loveless
Irene McCann
Tracey Malloy
Michael Straker
Bob Sherwood
Junior Officer:
Sabrina Montouth
| 20 Old Indian Road West Orange, NJ 07052 973.731.1868 The United Presbyterian Church of West Orange is handicapped-accessible.

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