United Presbyterian Church of West Orange


Seasons of the Spirit,

May 15, 2016


Imagine people from all around the world:

from Australia and Scotland,

Canada and the United States,

from Africa and India and all places in between:

from places of hope, and places of anger;

places of plenty and places of hunger;

people who are overwhelmed by emptiness

and people who are overwhelmed by abundance; people from yesterday and today, and tomorrow – imagine all these people gathered in one place.

 Unsure, uncertain,

captured by fear,

we wait – wondering

what it is that we are waiting for.


And in the midst of all time and space

God’s Spirit bursts in, once again,

as it always does,

and we are reminded that God,

our Creator God,

our loving and forgiving God,

our God that never lets us go

is come to us once again.

The risen Christ,

who we sometimes fear has left us,

is right here in our very midst,

and we are overcome with joy.

And while others may laugh at us

and make fun,

and tell us we are too full of fanciful ideas

and not dealing with the “real” world

we know that the real world

is God’s place,

and that reality

  is seeking to align ourselves with God’s will.


And we hear again those words from the prophet Joel:

God’s Spirit is poured out,

lavishly overflowing,

on all people – all ages and colors,

regardless of gender or status,

no matter who we are or where we have been

God’s Spirit is poured out upon us

and we know,

as sure as the sun rises and sets,

that God’s love is here to stay.


(Seasons of the Spirit, May 15, 2016)