United Presbyterian Church of West Orange

"Listening for God"

Rev. Rebecca Migliore
June 19, 2016


(this sermon was preached to Sabrina on her confirmation—with everyone else listening in)   


       I am so glad the focus scripture today is this wonderful story of Elijah on the mountain.  I still remember when I heard the great Peter Grimes preach on this passage when I was about your age.


       I think it has a message that we all can hear—but is most specially for you, Sabrina.  You are about to become an adult member of the church.  And it may seem like an ending, but really it is a new beginning, a continuation of your walk with God.


       Take a look at Elijah.  He is one of the most important prophets in the history of Israel.  In fact, if you remember the story of the transfiguration, when Jesus went up on the mountain with three of his disciples and his full glory was on display, there appeared with him two figures from Israel’s past—Moses (of ten commandments fame) and Elijah.


       But no matter how important you are, you can get scared.  And that is what has happened in this story.  Elijah has had a fight with priests of another religion, and the evil queen Jezebel, and they are killing all the prophets.  He says he is the last one.  So he runs into the hills, and hides in a cave.  And God shows up.


       1) I want you to know that God is always going to be there.  You can’t run away from God.


       And when God shows up, God asks, and keeps asking a question—“What are you doing here, Elijah?”  Now Elijah tries to tell God how he has been doing what God told him to do.  Elijah tries to tell God that this is exactly where he should be, because it’s a scary world down there.  So he’s just going to hide away.  And God says, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” because Elijah knows very well that he should NOT be up on the mountain, away from the people, away from his job as God’s prophet.


       2) I want you to know that if you listen, God will help you stay on track.  If you wander down a pathway that isn’t for you, God may say, “What are you doing here, Sabrina?” 


       But maybe the most important part of this story is that Elijah gets to witness God “passing by.”  And at first there is this huge wind—so strong it splits rocks in pieces—but that wasn’t the voice of God.  And then there was an earthquake—but that wasn’t the voice of God either.  And then there was a fire—but that wasn’t the voice of God at all.

       Sometimes I think we imagine that if God talks to us it will be like lightning striking us, that it will be BIG, and UNMISTAKABLE.  But this story says, after the wind and the earthquake and the fire, there was “the sound of sheer silence.”  And that was when Elijah knew that God was there.


       3)  I want you to know that God speaks to you—if you take the time to listen.  How do you do that?  Maybe you can take a walk and see what pictures fill your mind.  Maybe you will feel the need to DO something to help others in God’s name.  Maybe you will hear God talking to you when you are with other people talking about important things.  God will speak to you in a way that is just right for you.


       Nobody expects you to be Elijah.  But we all are here to support you in being who you are, Sabrina. 

       Remember, God will always be there for you.

       God is ready to help guide your way.

       And God is already speaking to you.

              May you have ears to hear.


Alleluia.  Amen.